Protecting Our Water Quality

Residential Stormwater

City of Defiance Storm Water Management Program
Urbanization within our watershed brings and increase of pavement and rooftops, increasing stormwater runoff which has a negative impact on the water quality of Lake Erie and also causes rivers to...
Clean Up Your Parks Day
Every Spring the City of Defiance invites clubs, organizations, and citizens to pitch-in and get our parks ready for the season. Leaf and litter clean-up beautifies the parks and keeps pollution...
Riparian Restoration Project
The City of Defiance has received a grant from Ohio Lake Erie Commission Funding to assess the riverbank along the Maumee River for riparian restoration efforts, which could include rock reinforcement...
Lake Erie Urban Waters Tree Planting Project
Photo Above: Green icons show where trees are planned for fall planting at Eastside Park. Species selected for this project include: Ivory Pillar Lilac, Sienna Glen Maple, Frontier Elm, Swamp White...
Please keep your storm drain clear.
Small actions can have a BIG impact Excess organic debris left on hard surfaces can runoff into the drainage system and cause problems including harmful algae blooms in our waterways. Here...
Leave The Leaves!
Letting your garden go natural can reap big benefits The temptation to clean up leaves, spent flowers, and garden debris in the fall is great, but keep in mind there are...
Recycling: With just a little effort we can keep so much more out of our landfill. Our city recycling programs are busy removing plastics and paper from the landfill, here are...
8 Ways To Help From Home
Small actions can have a big impact, so we’ve put together a list of simple ways you can help sustain our natural surroundings and improve local water quality. Here are 8...
Residential Stormwater Management
While the City of Defiance has worked for many years, at great expense, to separate and replace sewer lines, there are still several combined sewers throughout our community. Combined Sewer Overflows...
Tips For A Cleaner Spring
Fertilize With Care Over-application of nutrients not only may impair plant growth, it can also contaminate groundwater by leaching through the soil and pollute waterways through run-off. A soil test kit,...