Urbanization within our watershed brings and increase of pavement and rooftops, increasing stormwater runoff which has a negative impact on the water quality of Lake Erie and also causes rivers to flood more quickly. Urban stormwater runoff collects dirt, debris, salt and other pollutants as it flows into storm drains that lead directly into our streams and rivers. Pollution and flooding are both reduced when runoff slows down, allowing rainwater to filter through grasses and soil.

The City of Defiance holds an MS4 permit with the Ohio Environmental Protection Agency under the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) program. This permit requires the City to develop and follow a Stormwater Management Plan (SWMP) to preserve, protect and improve the water quality in the City of Defiance. The full plan is available to the public on the MS4 page of the City website: cityofdefiance.com/283