…for a stronger, healthier, more vibrant community.

Trails Provide Essential Infrastructure
Multi-use trails are an important aspect of a community’s quality of life, providing many benefits, including:
Connectivity—Trails provide easy access to nature and the outdoors. They are safe, convenient, enjoyable places where residents can walk, bike, and interact with others.
Health and Safety—Trails are traffic-free, low-stress environments which encourages people of all ages and abilities to become more active
Economic Development—Communities with good trail systems are in high demand. Small towns have redeveloped and found increased vitality around trails.
Summarized from: Ways Multi-Use Trails Transform Communities, meetingoftheminds.org
Defiance is a Buckeye Trail Town, connecting hikers all around the state of Ohio. visitdefianceohio.com/maps-trails

Rivers Are The Heart of Defiance
Defiance is a River Town. Our rivers provide drinking water, recreation, natural habitat, and have been a gathering place for centuries.
The City of Defiance has planned and implemented several riverfront projects to provide for restoration, enhancement and development, and increased recreational use.
In July 2019 the third annual River-Fest was held at Kingsbury Park where kids of all ages enjoyed nature-based River Passport activities, swimming at Kingsbury pool and free kayaking at the confluence. RiverFest is held annually to promote recreation on the Maumee River and help people connect to nature and to each other.
This year’s event was hosted by the City of Defiance, the Defiance Development and Visitors Bureau, Defiance Soil and Water Conservation District and Land to Lake.
Parks Are Good Medicine
Studies have shown the following:
- Living near green spaces reduces mortality even when adjusted for socio-demographic factors.
- Enjoying time in a park by taking a walk or relaxing outdoors influenced healthier behaviors, including eating healthier and less food afterwards.
- Contact with nature improves immune function, and contributes to the general health of adults, children, and cancer survivors.
- Viewing and spending time in nature lowers cortisol and blood pressure and is linked with lowering levels of stress, depression, anxiety, and aggression.
- Access to parks is a social equalizer, benefiting health and wellbeing over the course of one’s life.
Summary from: Healthy Parks Healthy People, 2018-2023 Strategic Plan, US Department of the Interior, National Park Service, June 2018.
The City Parks Division is dedicated to the management and improvement of over a dozen beautiful parks throughout Defiance. The City Park Board and the Shade Tree Commission each hold regular meetings, open to the public. For More Info Call 419.782.2240.
Trees Add Value To A Community
Trees and green spaces directly correlate to greater connections to neighbors. Healthy urban forestry programs provide substantial benefits to communities:
- Reduce costs for energy, stormwater management, and erosion control.
- Cut energy consumption by up to 25%.
- Boost property values throughout the community.
The City of Defiance established a Tree Commission in 1979 to support the planting and maintenance of trees on property owned or maintained by the City. The Tree Commission follows Tree City USA core standards and works to enhance urban forest management through improved ordinances, programs and emphasis on planting and care of City trees.
The City of Defiance maintains it’s status as a Tree City USA, and achieves annual growth awards through the efforts of the Tree Commission and the Parks Division.
FEATURE PHOTO: Aerial View of the Reservoir Boardwalk Trail © Williams Aerial