The Defiance Shade Tree Commission received a Growth Award from the Arbor Day Foundation again in 2022 by going above and beyond the minimum requirements for the Tree City USA Award. To celebrate 30 years of success as Tree City USA, Defiance will host the regional awards program in 2024.
Area Preschoolers, Tree Commission members, and Defiance City workers planted trees at area parks on Arbor Day 2022.

SUMMER, 2022

Urban Forestry Tour
The Ohio Department of Natural Resources sponsored an Urban Forestry Tour of Northwest Ohio. Headed by Stephanie Miller, the driving tour began in Napoleon, continued on through Defiance, and concluded in Bryan. Featured examples of the tour included Master Planting and Design, the Great Maumee River Watershed, Sacred Spaces, and Healthy Trees in Difficult Sites.
APRIL 1, 2021
Arbor Day
Trees add value to our community.*
In honor of Arbor Day, the City of Defiance will be planting a new tree at East Side Park on Friday, April 30, 2021. The City of Defiance is a Tree City USA.
National Arbor Day is celebrated on the last Friday in April.

*Learn more about the benefits of trees, Tree City USA and the Arbor Day Foundation:
MAY 5, 2020
Tree Training Workshop
The City of Defiance hosted “Young Tree Training” on March 5, 2020. The workshop was conducted by Stephanie Miller, regional Urban Forester, ODNR Division of Forestry. Ms. Miller provided instruction on the proper pruning and training of young shade trees. The program included a field training session where techniques were demonstrated on City street trees, and participants received supervised hands-on training.

City workers routinely maintain street trees as part of an ongoing effort to increase their health, beauty and safety, and to maintain Defiance’s
status as Tree City USA.
#tree-commission / Learn more about Defiance’s Tree Commission and the Tree City USA program.