The City of Defiance and the Council of the Great Lakes Region have teamed together to form the Great Lakes Smart, Sustainable Cities Regional Cluster using innovation and shared resources to provide digital solutions for improving water quality. A series of demonstration projects to achieve nutrient reduction goals, located in the Maumee Watershed, will highlight our source water protection efforts.The “Cluster” is a collaborative effort to establish a smart infrastructure of digital technologies and rural broadband access in Northwest Ohio. By developing replicable, scalable demonstration projects, this approach provides opportunities to secure a prosperous future for agriculture in the region while protecting our drinking water. Together with our many partners we are finding new ways to harness the power of technology to implement sustainable water-quality solutions for the Maumee River Watershed.
About the Council of the Great Lakes Region
The Council of the Great Lakes Region is a binational nonprofit organization that is dedicated to deepening the United States-Canada relationship in the Great Lakes Region. Its focus is on creating a stronger and more dynamic culture of collaboration in harnessing the region’s economic strengths and assets, improving the well-being and prosperity of the Region’s citizens, and protecting the Great Lakes for future generations.
For more information, visit: councilgreatlakesregion.org
The Great Lakes Region, home to 107 million people, comprised of eight states and two provinces, would equal the third largest economy in the world if it were a country, supporting over 50 million U.S. and Canadian jobs. The City of Defiance is taking an active leadership role in watershed planning and other collaborative, sustainable development efforts throughout the region.